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Collaboration between University and Hospital

The University of Southern Denmark (SDU) and Odense University Hospital (OUH) have had solid and long-standing cooperations in a large number of areas and across all faculties at the university and all departments and specialities at the hospital.

With the Centre for Clinical Robotics (CCR), SDU and OUH gather and target knowledge and experiences with robot technology at the hospital in one joint center.

The Centre for Clinical Robotics is rooted at the Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute at the Faculty of Engineering, SDU and in Facilities Management as well as the Department of Clinical Development at OUH.

The collaboration is a step on the way towards the new hospital New OUH, which will be physically connected to SDU.

When we are closer physically, we will be better placed to ensure the close collaboration between engineers, technicians, researchers and clinical staff to a much greater extent than before.

It is quite unique - also in an international context - to have such a close link between the engineering faculty and a hospital. Here, researchers and clinical staff can investigate and develop the use of robots and technology for improved treatment and workflows in close physical proximity and dialogue with each other.

The physical fusion of university and hospital aligns with CCR’s vision that collaboration across disciplines and competencies helps put technology into perspective and helps target technological developments to actual needs.

The new Odense University Hospital will be physically connected with the Faculty of Health Sciences at the University of Southern Denmark.