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Kickoff meeting for HospiBot

On Tuesday 19 September, we held our official kickoff meeting for the HospiBot project, led by Oskar Palinko and SDU Robotics, our Lead Partner in Denmark.

The project's primary aim is to develop and test an interactive, modular and mobile robot with a small footprint for use in hospitals in Denmark and Germany. It could potentially be used for various tasks such as greeting and guiding patients and visitors, small-scale logistic tasks or light cleaning and disinfection of surfaces. Time-consuming or repetitive tasks that could help free up time for the staff to attend to the patients.

“It is obvious that there is a shortage of nurses, and we would like to address that. But fundamentally, there is no reason why highly educated and skilled healthcare professionals should spend their time transporting things, cleaning floors, or searching for a missing wheelchair," says Oskar Palinko, project coordinator and associate professor at SDU.

CCR's role in the project

CCR's role will include taking part in the selection of modules for the robot, recruitment of relevant departments at the hospitals, testing of the solutions and participating in the development of a set of guidelines for the use of robots that could help ensure cross-border standardisation.

The robots will be thoroughly tested and continously modified throughout the 3-year project at the participating hospitals in both Denmark and Germany. The project has received funding from the European Commission's Interreg Deutschland-Danmark programme.

Read more about the project here.