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The ROPCA Ultrasound robot ARTHUR has been implemented at Svendborg Hospital

The ARTHUR robot, which CCR helped develop, was implemented in February 2024 in daily operations at Svendborg Hospital.

ARTHUR is the world's first fully automatic robot that can scan for rheumatoid arthritis. The robot was invented and developed by senior physician at the arthritis outpatient clinic at Odense University Hospital Søren Andreas Just and CCR's Head of Research Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu. Read about the ROPCA Ultrasound project here.

The robot is currently placed in four Danish hospitals, but Svendborg Hospital is the first to implement ARTHUR in the daily operations with patients.

The next step is to teach ARTHUR to scan for osteoarthritis, a common disease that typically occurs in the hips, hips and knees.