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Well-attended workshop at WHINN 2022

We had a full house at our workshop at WHINN – Week of Health and Innovation in November, where we discussed the journey towards Medical Device Regulation (MDR). A journey one has to embark on if one wants to deliver robotic technology and other equipment (hardware and software) to the healthcare system.

The day started with a presentation from Søren Andreas Just, senior physician at the Emergency Department at Svendborg Hospital, where he described the need for new ideas for deep vein thrombosis (blood clots in the leg). After that, there was both group work and ongoing presentations about robotics research and the requirements for MDR.

A good piece of advice on the road towards MDR was that one must pay attention to defining the purpose of the product precisely and not take on too much; the purpose description must not cover the company's vision, but only the product in question.

Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu, professor and Head of Research at CCR, hosted the day and led the way in presentations and discussions: "We chose to make the event a workshop because the participants should come home with more than just passive knowledge. They should come home with a sense of what is required to invent and market to the healthcare sector, as well as tools to get through that process themselves”.

Søren Udby, Programme Manager at CCR, adds: "It was enormously rewarding to experience the buzz and conversation across the groups and the many good ideas being worked on. It is important for us to expand and strengthen our network in the robotics industry, because cooperation is indispensable when we develop and implement robotic technology”.

The necessity of collaboration across the public players in the healthcare system and the private companies was the central message of the workshop. Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu rounded off the day with a call to collaborate crosswise with hospitals, patients, developers, etc.: "The really successful stories are where the end users are involved from the start".

WHINN 2023 is happening 8-9 November 2023 in Forskerparken in Odense.

Three people seated and talking at a table
Three people seated and talking at a table
Two people seated at a table, smiling at each other