Robot Projects
Projektet vil teste en intelligent patientmonitoreringsløsning til at forbedre sikkerheden og trivslen for indlagte patienter, der er i risiko for at falde og blive alvorligt såret.
The project aims to improve the experience for children and adolescents admitted to the Hans Christian Andersen Hospital for Children and Adolescents by introducing an innovative solution that combines advanced AI and robot technology with human interaction.
The purpose of the project is to develop a prototype of a robot that can transport empty beds autonomously.
The overall aim of the project is to give robotic surgeons an opportunity to train and maintain their skills without being subject to the current requirements and limitations of training in the operating rooms.
The project aimed to make it easier for patients to pick up equipment by developing a robot-transported parcel locker that could stand in the hospital lobby.
The project's primary purpose is to investigate which barriers and facilitators that exist when a technical solution for patient transfer is to be implemented at the hospital.
The purpose of the HospiBot project is to develop and test an interactive, modular, mobile robot with a small footprint for use in hospitals in Denmark and Germany.
The aim of the project is to develop, produce and test a robot for fully automatic debridement of chronic wounds.
The aim of the robot Prøvsen was to free up the staff's time for more patient-related tasks by taking over the transport of samples.
In this project, an automated robot system was developed, which would alleviate endoscopists' physical work load. The robot system worked by connecting the scope to a wire that hung from a motor in the ceiling.
The aim of this project was to develop a prototype that could automatically scan for scar tissue in the liver with a Fibroscan probe.
To make hand sanitiser easy and readily available and to encourage use, the project tested a sanitiser robot that could move to where it was needed, charge itself and issue an alert when it needed to be refilled.
The purpose of the project was to test an exoskeleton in relieving sonographers in connection with ultrasound scans of pregnant women.
The aim of this PhD project is to examine whether the patients avoid a loss of function during hospitalisation if they exercise with a robot daily.
The project aimed to create a robot that could sort and send blood samples, thus relieving the staff.
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic set in motion the development of a fully automatic swabbing robot that could independently swab patients' throats, put the swab in a glass and screw the lid on.
To increase focus on hygiene and remind visitors to sanitise their hands, Odense University Hospital developed two hand sanitiser robots that could drive around the lobby of the hospital and the lobby of the Children's Hospital.
The ROPCA Ultrasound robot was developed to be used for the diagnosis and evaluation of rheumatoid arthritis (also deep vein thrombosis), so patients could have their hands scanned at every visit.
The Department of Clinical Microbiology at Odense University Hospital tested two UV Disinfection Robots as an addition to the existing cleaning measures. The robots disinfected a room by using ultraviolet light.
The purpose of MoreCare was to develop a mobile service robot to bring equipment to the hospital's patient rooms.
The purpose of the project was to further develop the GoBe telepresence cobots to be able to move autonomously (self-driving) around the hospital.
The purpose of the project was to create a robotic solution that could automatically file glass slides to achieve increased automation in the laboratory regarding the scanning of pathology slides.
The KIA blood bank is a robot cell with a robot arm that receives blood samples from OUH's blood sample shipment system.
HUBOT is an Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR), which can move among patients, staff, bed transports, cleaning staff, garbage trolleys, and more.