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RoboTale: Interactive storytelling robot for children in the hospital

The staff at the Hans Christian Andersen Hospital for Children and Adolescents at Odense University Hospital (OUH) has a heavy workload and there is not always time for long conversations with the children when it does not directly involve their illness. A robot, on the other hand, is always available. It requires no breaks, can always listen and has time to talk to the children when they need it.


Start: 5 August 2024
End: 28 June 2025

It is important for the children to be able to talk about something other than their illness, and especially to have the opportunity to take a break from the challenges of reality, where they can dive into imaginative worlds that can entertain, create positive experiences and bring joy during their stay in hospital.


The purpose of the project is therefore to improve the experience for children and adolescents admitted to the Hans Christian Andersen Hospital for Children and Adolescents by introducing an innovative solution that combines advanced AI and robot technology with human interaction. The idea is to create a safe, stimulating and positive environment for the young patients through interactive stories and adventures, where the children themselves are at the centre and actively contribute to shaping the course of the stories, for example by telling the robot what their favorite colour or favorite animal is.

To ensure a safe and positive experience for the children, the storytelling robot, named RoboTale, will be programmed to avoid illness-related topics. If a child starts to talk about their illness, the robot will gently redirect the conversation towards an engaging and interactive adventure that promotes imagination and joy.

It must be ensured that illness-related topics and difficult emotional conversations are always handled by qualified staff. A collaboration has been entered into with the children's hospital's developmental nurses to integrate the principles behind 'Good Interaction' in RoboTale. 'Good Interaction' is a relationship and communication programme which works with the aim that all children and adolescents in the hospital - despite their illness - should thrive, develop and feel involved. The collaboration must ensure that the robot communicates in an appropriate manner in accordance with the children's hospital's guidelines for communication.


The project is anchored at the Hans Christian Andersen Hospital for Children and Adolescents and is carried out in close collaboration with CCR's sister centre CAI-X as well as SDU Robotics.


The project has received funding from OUH's innovation pool and from the Region of Southern Denmark's innovation pool.

Angelina Stoyanova Wolf

Innovation Consultant

Odense University Hospital, Department of Clinical Development - Innovation, Research & HTA

(+45) 2384 8343