Swabbing Robot
In 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic set in motion the development of a fully automatic swabbing robot that can independently swab patients' throats, put the swab in a glass and screw the lid on.
Start: March 2020
End: May 2020
The swabbing robot was intended to help healthcare professionals swab patients for covid-19 so that staff are not at risk of infection.
For employees, swabbing can lead to monotonous working conditions, and employees are most often needed for other important functions as well, so the swabbing robot is expected to be able to ease the pressure on staff and free up hands for other tasks as well as spare employees from monotonous and repetitive work.
The robot was developed by SDU Robotics at the University of Southern Denmark, and as the robot is now complete, the commercialisation of it has been moved to the company Lifeline Robotics A/S.
The investors in Lifeline Robotics A/S were the Swedish venture fund Norrsken Foundation, REInvest Robotics and SDU. Vækstfonden supported with two million Danish kroner as a convertible loan.

Thiusius Rajeeth Savarimuthu
Professor, Head of Research
Centre for Clinical Robotics (CCR). Head of SDU Robotics, University of Southern Denmark, Maersk Mc-Kinney Moller Institute
(+45) 2440 9545 trs@mmmi.sdu.dk